
Welcome Back from the Head of School

Dr. Tim Anderson's Message from the Head of School.

Dear Providence Stallion Community,

For us, summer has finished, and Debby’s rain has come and gone. I pray you have endured the rain and wind well. I am writing this letter to encourage you this school year. We have new, returning, and seasoned faculty prepared and waiting for your children to enter their classrooms. We are emphasizing the transformation of our minds again this year, Romans 12:2a. We do so because the world needs to change how it thinks! This year’s goal is to build relationships, minds, and trust with our students and their parents.

Everything we do at Providence is about our relationship with Jesus. Only as we learn to love Jesus can we be like Him and love others, especially when disagreeing with people. This is an odd statement to insert; however, it is an election year, so there will be disagreements. Daniel 2:21 tells us that the Lord appoints kings and deposes them. May we seek His will during the upcoming election and vote as we believe would please our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Additionally, I ask everyone not to wear political clothing that disrupts the school process. I think we can get through the responsibility of voting and placing our trust in God to appoint the right person to lead this great nation. Therefore, I am asking us all to be apolitical this fall while voting according to the Word of God. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Next, we want to partner with you to build your child’s mind. Living here in Florida, I have been reminded many times that smooth seas do not create good sailors. The hardships of the seas often teach us what to do and what not to do. This adage is true in the classroom as well. As we encourage our students to take challenging classes, we are creating good students who will learn to work through difficult times in the school.  As they learn, we know that they are prepared for the Lord’s plans (Jeremiah 29:11). May the love of Jesus inspire all of us to do hard things to become ready for His plans for our lives.  

Finally, trust is pivotal for our students, families, and faculty to thrive. Where there is trust, there is growth. Trust is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something (Oxford Languages). Amazingly, this definition points directly to our Savior, Jesus Christ, who says, “I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life: no one comes to the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).

Please join us this year to be bold in standing for His will in our lives and the lives of our students. May we love the way He Loves. May our disagreement be handled with respect for those we disagree with. May the Lord’s will be done in our nation and His school! May God bless you all this school year. May Providence continue to be a city on a hill that shines bright.


The signature of Tim Anderson, Head of School.

Tim M. Anderson, Ph.D.
Head of School
Providence School of Jacksonville

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