Shaping Future Generations
For over 25 years, Providence School has been a pillar of academics in the Jacksonville community. Standing unapologetically for Christian values and a Biblical worldview deeply rooted in all aspects of the student experience, we have grown to serve over 1310 students K-12 on the main campus each day. Our school is blessed by the generous investment of parents, grandparents, alumni, corporate partners, faculty members, and staff who not only believe in our mission of educating boldly Christian and unquestionably academic students, but also in partnering with Providence through supporting our Stallion Annual Fund to ensure excellence in all areas.

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
2 Corinthians 9:11
The 2024 Stallion Annual Fund
Through the power of philanthropic giving and our Providence community coming together during our Fall 2024 Stallion Annual Fund, we now have the privilege to participate in God’s work through generous giving. We see in the passage above that God will enrich those who give generously and who continue to give. We are incredibly grateful and share our most sincere appreciation for each person who continues to make giving to our school a priority, at every level of participation, every year. Our annual tradition of giving is of utmost importance to ensuring the “Providence Experience” our students and teachers deserve.
- Barry and Patty Adeeb^
- The Albritton Family~^
- The Alfano Family~
- Altenbach Dentistry
- Mauricio and Amanda Alvarez
- Portia Alvarez
- Jennifer Anderson
- Tim and Julie Anderson~
- The Andres Family
- Aqua East Surf Shop
- Chip and Rae Avery~
- The Bahri Family
- Tim and Jessica Baker
- Mr. and Mrs. Lance Barnett~
- Batsch Family~
- The Battaglia Family
- Jeremy and Elizabeth Baxley; Parents of Kira Burgos
- The Beegle Family
- The Bender Family
- The Birkett Family
- The Bisharat family
- The Bistrow Family~
- The Bolan Family
- The Boucher Family
- The Brinkman Family
- Brooks Family
- Dr. and Mrs. Brown
- The Brown Family~
- The Bruner Family
- The Bruton Family
- The Bush Family
- Kevin and Kristi Cannon
- The family of Keagan Capps
- The Keagan Capps Family^
- The Carrasquillo family*
- Carrier Design Co.**
- Cash Building Material
- The Causey Family
- Allison and Kyle Chance
- Mr. and Mrs. Tim Chapman and the Navarro family^
- Dr. Frank A. Chrzanowski, Jr.
- Chris and Barb Cline
- Vikki Cline
- Annalyn Cole
- Mrs. Kathy Collings~
- Bob Conchiglia
- The Cooney Family
- The Cooper Family
- Michael and Christie Cooper
- The Corey Family
- Brenda Cornwell
- Brandon and Casey Cowart
- Ashley and Jeremy Cox
- The Cox Family
- The Crist Family
- Dr. and Mrs. Kristopher Croome
- The Crumpler Family
- Brian and Caroline Davis
- David & Jackie DeLoach^
- The DeRienzo Family
- The DiChiara Family
- Dodson Family
- The Dosen Family
- The Droogsma Family
- Nathan Dugan
- Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dunckel~
- Ken and Ellin Durden^
- The Eaton Family
- The Ellis Family & T.Mak’s International Inc.
- The Evans Family*
- The Everett Family
- The Fahdi Family
- Farrell Brothers Marine Construction, Inc.^
- The Feldhaus Family
- The Riley Fischer family
- John and Xenia Flanagan
- The Fonville Family
- Katheryn Forsyth
- The Zach Frady Family
- Frios Gourmet Pops Duval
- The Fuss Family
- David and Meg Gagnon
- Matthew and Hillary Garner
- Clyde and Tami Gilmore^
- The Gorman Family
- The Graham Family
- The Gray Family~~*
- The Green Family
- The Grippa Family
- Joshua & Meredith Guess
- The Gustafson Family
- The Habel Family
- The Halton Family
- The Hamilton Family
- The Hammond Family
- Micheline Harbie
- The Hawkins Family
- The Hayes Family
- The Haynes Family
- The Heaton Family
- Amberlee and Phillip Hewett
- Ann Holliday^
- Bret and Ashley Holmes
- Cheryl and Scott Hughes~
- The Huguenard Family
- The Ireland Family
- The Jackson Family~
- The Jan Family
- The Janssen Family
- Kyle and Kacy Johnston~
- George and Leanne Jones
- Rick and Suzy Jones
- Christina Jordan
- The Kane Family
- John and Patti Kaswinkel^
- The Keefe Family
- The Kennon Family
- Key Buick GMC
- The King Family
- The Klicker Family~
- Bill and Melanie Kretzman^
- The Kuca Family
- The Kwartler Family~
- Rob and Angelica Lassetter
- The Layow Family
- Lazzara Orthodontics
- Jennifer Legg
- The Leone Family
- LH Homes LLC
- The Lira Family
- The Loewen Family
- The Lohman Family~
- Robert and Audrey Loverin
- The Lowe Family
- The Ly Family
- Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Lynch
- Jack and Lauralyn Marshall
- Jim and Laura Martin~
- The McCann Family
- Chesley & Ashlee McCormick~
- Cab & Tammy McIvor^
- The Middlebrooks Family
- Rod and Angie Miller~
- Wes and Stephanie Mock
- Steven and Kimberly Morales
- The Myers Family
- The Navarro Family
- Robert and Alycia Neill
- Greg and Marcy Nelson
- New Life Healthcare
- Michael Nickas, State Farm Agent
- Mike & Melodee Nobles~
- The Odom Family
- Pete & Angela Olsen~
- The Onorato Family
- Mr. & Mrs. Osbeck
- Paul and Lisa Ottendorf
- The Overfelt Family
- Brant & Ashley Palmer
- Tim Palmer
- The Parmenter Family
- The Pascale Family
- Mark & Cynthia Patterson~
- Joe and Sabrina Paulk^
- Dr. John and Mrs. Karen Phelps~
- The Picerno family
- Sean and Keely Pierce
- The Pietrzak Family
- The Pollard Family
- The Portrie Family^
- Current Providence Faculty/Staff~
- The Ramsey Family
- Hampton and Jessi Ray~*
- Brenda & Lake Ray^
- The Reed Family
- The Reichold Family
- The Remaley Family
- The Repass Family*
- The Ribeiro Family
- The Ring Family
- Tyson and Macy Rising
- Josh and Cori Roberts
- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roberts
- David and Joy Robertson~
- Bryan and Jenny Robles
- The Rosado Family
- Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ross
- The Ross Family^
- Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rothert~^
- David Ryther
- Doreen Sabina
- The Sanders Family~*
- The Schell Family
- Chesley & Stacy Scott
- Sexton and Mock with Compass
- The Shah Family
- Sherri Simon
- The Simonsen Family
- Michael Singletary
- Freida Ruth Skinner
- Dr. and Mrs. Scott Sklenicka
- Randy and Lourdes Smith~
- Shanley Smith Family
- The Snyder Family
- The Solesbee Family
- The Soud Family~
- Dr. & Mrs. John Soud
- Stephen and Tami Sparks
- Shawn and Jaime Spencer
- SportClips Beach & Hodges and Atlantic & Hodges
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Steinbaugh^
- The Stottman Family
- Christopher Strongosky
- Summit Construction Group
- The Tarabishi Family^
- Ryan and Michelle Thibeault
- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Thomas^
- Ryland and Kelly Thompson
- Will Ticoras
- The Todd-Penkes Family
- The Tracy Family
- The Turner Family**
- Jeff & Holly Tyrrell
- Vasile and Rooney Family^
- The Vogelsang Family
- Andy & Lisa Weiland^
- Whit’s Frozen Custard
- The Wiggins Family
- The Wilcox Family
- The Wilder Family
- Mr. Clarence O. and Joya K. Wilkerson, Jr.
- The Wilkes Family**
- The Wilkinson Family
- The Williams Family
- The Wilson Family
- The Woodham Family^
- The Zelenka Family
- Anonymous (Multiple)
^ Grandparents & Great-Relatives
~ Providence Faculty & Staff Members
✱ Providence School Alumni
Please note that this Honor Roll of Donors reflects Stallion Annual Fund giving of $250+ during our 2024 Fall Campaign. We have made every effort to recognize donors with the desired name as submitted or designated at the time of your gift. If you have a different way of being recognized, please let us know and we’ll be happy to update our donor listing accordingly.
For any questions or to discuss your individual giving, please contact Robyn Reeves, Director of Advancement at or 904-223-5270.