Success for Every Student
Our goal is to produce successful students who are independent learners, prepared to meet challenges and overcome them. We want them to understand their strengths and weaknesses and provide encouragement and motivation for success. We believe that each student is unique and we work to create a plan tailored to fit each student. The services provided will be driven by the individual needs of the student.
Academic Support Labs
Lower School
Academic Support
Students in kindergarten through fifth grade may receive reading support. Academic Support meets one on one or in a small group setting (maximum of six) at times when it is the least intrusive to maximize learning opportunities. There are numerous opportunities per week, and students meet according to their schedules.
High School
Academic Support
Academic Support is designed to help keep students on track academically. Kept in a small setting, the instructor is able to work with the student on his or her coursework. The instructor also maintains a partnership with the home by checking grades weekly, communicating with teachers and parents, and also allowing a place to work on assignments.

A strong commitment to their academic success.
Arrowsmith Program
Providence continually strives to keep up with the latest research and cutting-edge practices to best serve students and their families. In 2014, Providence became the first private school in the area to offer the Arrowsmith Program®. Arrowsmith has grown rapidly at Providence School and has changed lives for many of our Providence families throughout the years.
What is the Arrowsmith Program?
Providence School is proud to offer the Arrowsmith Program as an option for our families. We rejoice in the reality that God has designed different learning styles that can be addressed and strengthened. The Arrowsmith Program is a blessing and another avenue God has provided to help students thrive in our academic setting.
The Arrowsmith Program is based on neuroscience research demonstrating that it is possible to address learning difficulties by identifying and strengthening weak cognitive capacities. The core of the Arrowsmith Program is neuroplasticity. This is the capacity of neurons – the 100 billion or so that make up the brain – to alter structure and function in response to training and experience over a person’s lifetime.
The Arrowsmith Program deals with the root cause of the learning difficulty rather than managing symptoms. Students become effective learners without having to compensate for their learning difficulty. Their ability to perform complex tasks is improved when the weak cognitive areas are strengthened.

Goal of The Arrowsmith Program
The goal of the Arrowsmith Program is for students to capitalize on their strengthened cognitive capacities to become effective, confident and self-directed learners for life, and to enable them to achieve their goals of academic and career success.
The typical Arrowsmith student:
- is of average or above-average intelligence;
- does not have severe intellectual, cognitive, emotional, or behavioral disorders that would significantly affect his or her ability to participate in the Arrowsmith Program;
- does not have acquired brain injury or autism spectrum disorder.
Recognizing the Signs
Common indicators that your child could benefit from the Arrowsmith Program:
- difficulty with reading comprehension;
- struggles with organization and/or time management;
- misreading or losing place when reading;
- having to “over-study”;
- seems to understand skill when they study, but doesn’t perform well on a test/quiz the next day.

Arrowsmith is the answer to our prayers to help our daughter with her learning challenges. The Arrowsmith program uses neuroplasticity to retrain our student’s brains and help them reach their God-given potential. It is a modern-day miracle!
Dr. Gail Margerum & Michael Sullivan